A poem/story for a moment in April 2020, tongue in cheek, funny, and of course a bit sad…
A run through a dark gauntlet
I don’t care that I’m negative
I don’t like the way he sings…
I don’t care for how she laughs, why does she laugh so much?
I don’t care for how the sunflower turns, unless it’s for me or my children, in fact, I hate most flowers.
I don’t care for the way she says good morning so loudly, what’s she so happy about? Unless of course, it’s for my daughter, or yes, my mother, no one else…
I don’t care for how they make coffee there, or most places, I mean they know nothing of grinding and blending and brewing, unless…
I don’t care for the leather seats, too cold, plus they smell, well unless they’re heated, but they still smell.
I don’t care how they dress, oh and of course they must do as I say, how dare they do otherwise, my family that is, I don’t care about the others, oh unless it’s the poor masses, though I never see them. Yes, I am their champion.
Don’t care how they eat, how they laugh, but my babies, oh, that’s another thing…
I don’t care that he really didn’t accomplish anything, he deserves failing as they all do, of course, mine didn’t, there were extenuating circumstances so doesn’t count.
I don’t care for the sunset, sundown, sunrise, clouds, don’t care to waste my time on things, not at my level.
Took a while to get to this point. Years…
Singing birds, laughing whales, (you should know that they really don’t laugh), I don’t care that you say laughing whales as no such thing exists!
I don’t care that she earned a ribbon for the fattest cow, the cow was ugly all the same, plus it wasn’t in my kitchen.
I am not stirred by how others mourn your loss, it isn’t enough, I’ve suffered more.
I don’t believe you suffered as much as you say and if you did, I don’t care, I hate you.
I don’t care about your faith unless of course your god is a five hundred pound ball of butter covered in sugar and sings peanut butter songs to you as you sleep, otherwise, no I don’t care.
I don’t care that others say I don’t care, I don’t care that my mother gently told me that not caring about that might be a good thing.
I don’t care how you speak, look, make an expression, a little maybe if you agree that my ways are the best.
Your politics are not my politics so I care not for them, they are wrong.
I don’t care, and really, really, really don’t want to hear of your child’s accomplishments, as none could come close to mine, no way.
I don’t care the way he sings, repeating this in case it didn’t sink in.
I don’t care that I am the saddest human on the planet, but it’s not fair, what’d I do to them?
Animals? What about them, who cares, what? You ask if they can think as I do?
You say: seek the light, seek the light, what light?
I don’t care if there’s a pill to fix this inside me, they are wrong, there’s nothing wrong with me. I have lots of money, oh, of course, it’s not really mine, I didn’t lift a finger to earn it, but, well, of course, it is mine by entitlement. I have all I need. And everyone has to agree with me or I rip out their souls.
Why am I always so sad?
Who says life is fair?