All photos were powerful.
All of course ask for interpretation.
In the interest of time and respect for the victims in each pic I will only say something about the young Jessie.
It-s an incredible picture shot at the perfect moment. Jessie with her blonde mane looks like a movie star. Nothing less; stunning... Playing the part of the destitute wife of the failing, dust bowl farm, maybe they're being forced to pull up stakes and make that uncertain move. But it's the way Jessie is standing, her adult eyes, adult mannerism with her arms, even her dress speaks adult. See the little girl next to her, hands behind hips, so common seen in tired, and perhaps suffering adult women; she too plays a huge part in the picture.
Neither bad nor good. Of course, Jessie pretending the adult role of a grown women, copying perfectly the look of loss and desperation she sees in her mom or other women. I'll bet were it a movie her next move would be to do the classic spitting of the piece of tobacco , then failing, attempting to remove the bothersome bit with her fingers. The crime in this if there is one to be assigned would be that the child is pulling on a toy cigarette. Of course, she'd rather it was the real thing. No hurry Jessie, the day will come soon when you can copy fully the adults' disastrous examples all around you.
Then you'll be able really inhale the slow death...