As happens I punched a wrong key and blasted my erudite (or so I imagined) response into cyber space. Perhaps a good thing.
Still. I wanted to thank you for the story, report.
Lessons learned, should say potential lessons...
Was in the food business most of my life.
Your post showed how these big operators show an agility for shooting themselves in the foot!
Thanks for reminding us how poor menu strategy and perhaps the mantra of 'make more money, make more money...' can lead us down a disastrous path.
Have so often been left with mouth wide open at what on the surface appears to be in large part simply really poor administrative decisions! IE: Sambos, Subways, HOJOs, White Tower, Steak and Ale, on and on. Perhaps more specifically the ill fated methodologies used by these big guys when they decide to put in a new CEO, what criteria they analyze for deciding on the new top guy.
Thanks Sean.