claps isn't working for what it's worth...
Just wanted to say that you have written a wonderful, dead on piece on Cannabis.
It makes me shudder to think of the unholy hell unleashed by uncle sam and the police back in the sixties.
Yes i know the cops were simply following orders.
Devil weed. Makes you crazy, makes your women lose, makes us lazy. There should be an accounting for this now a days. Those who perpetrated this sort of hell back then should be brought to task, made to pay.
Yes, those days are over with thank god, but I for one struggle with letting by gones be by gones. Just my own personal bullshit I was put through. not to mention folks who were made to suffer far, far deeper, destructive family ruptures, all sanctioned by the starchy authorities.
That felt good. Naw, one more: those bastards should be hung by thier thumbs, (nicely if possible), should be made to pay. litterally, into a fund run by honest people to help families destroyed by the police, gov't dragnet unleashed all those years ago.
Now it remains to be seen if this loosening of the regulations and laws translates into tax monies that truly goes towards a proactive application to improve society on so many levels.