Encouraging, the restart. Though you may wish it not be called that...
Braces? A real man won't care, that's right, this might generate flak from other readers, that's ok.
My heart goes out to you. No not in some sort of sympatheic bent. Will not insult you. I'm a hell of a lot older than you are; hell I remember just turning fifty. You're forty something? In many mens eyes you are but a child, a spring chicken.. Analyze that... Just kidding, about analyzing.
Thanks for a fun read. Take heart. When you bump into LATE sixties, well, then you might begin to consider that there is some age, in the carnal sense. Just consider, nothing more. Having said that I can still outlift and outpushup all my boys' twenty something friends.
Your mind can be as sharp, exotic and as witty and millions times more interesting than all those under forty, with perhaps some exceptions.
Hell yes. Go for it and enjoy these pre seventy years!