Excellent pointers on cornering this thing we call joy or happiness. The breathing techniques are hugely important. I’ve added several of my favorites and I hope they may be helpful.
Sit for meditation.
Establish in mind that the session will de dedicated to breathing exercise/awareness.
1. Take three deep and long breaths through the nose to establish immediate awareness of the zone just in front of your nostrils. Sense the air entering and exiting. Often in the in breath the bridge of the nostrils can feel slightly cool. Often the exhalation feels slightly warm. Be aware of these.
2. One technique is as you inhale count to one, exhale count one, next full in and out count two. Try until three at first. Gently and compassionately. Do these repetitions for the time you’ve determined to sit.
3. Another technique is do the mantra SoHum. In breathe mentally repeat ‘So’. Out breathe silently ‘say’ ‘Hum’. Do this for the sessions duration.
4. Another technique is upon in breath silently say ‘in’, outbreath say ‘out’.
These are three options from a long list.
Do not strain or impact your breathing in any way as this results in distraction. Try to breath as naturally as you can.
When a thoughts comes in simply say, silently, ‘noted’ and let the thought go. Return to your meditation.
Blessings and peace.