Fascinating piece Sean.
Over the years there have been far too few exposes of this hell state. We need more frequent reminders. I don't know exactly how but I keep getting a stronger suspicion that the youth in the US, show a growing lack of being informed of places like NK. Out of sight out of mind is a very real danger.
Maybe a bit more of an effort to keep NK and other similar hell countries in the daily news. Theres a reason why so many say that the news, fake or otherwise has incredible power.
A note of concern with todays growing 'self hate' of things US in this great country calls for clearer information.
We should see much more often just what really goes on in these places.
Just seems to make sense that the more news is made of say womens abuse in some countries, IE: stonings for not wearing the proper clothing, the more informed we'll be.
Armed with fresh, up to date views of the oppressed countries will only help in giving us the real picture. With that knowledge we'll have all the more reason to resist and make a stand against the strange swing to these darker sides.