Heartening to be sure. Before I continue, please allow me to express my appreciation for your clear writing. I loved your approach, to the point, refreshing!
So thanks again to you Elad, let's quickly review once again Bacardi with their 4 million dollar check to charity.
Did you know that Bacardi shows earnings exceeding 180 million, in the US alone. This does not include their non Bacardi brands. It's in Google.
Sure, lets' give credit where it's due.
However, if private business is to really help bring humanity out of its chronic, global, dismal hell hole of poverty Bacardi and others will have to do a little better than 4 mil.
Again, give credit where called for. Bacardi showed, to some extent that at least some on the board show a wisdom and compassion beyond the bottom line; one could only hope to reflect.
A personal curiosity, I admit, would be to find out who started the idea to donate the $4. Was it family, one of the owners, or was it a new, 'fresh blood' addition, a member of the very top executive staff. Maybe it started as an in company competition, someone working on the production line; wouldn't that be cool?
Just think, if every business, repeat every business, were to follow Bacardis' lead. Contribute in the same percentages of total sales that which Bacardi donated, wow, need I tell you? Life as we know it would undergo a shift...
It's a thrill to ponder that just perhaps Bacardi started something. hell yeah, I'll get behind that. Hey all, in prep for the holidays, let's all go out and buy a bottle of Captain Morgan!
Yes, there are many stellar examples. One that immediately pops into my head is the great man from Seattle and his amazing wife who contributed untold billions. Over fifty billion...
As an aside, and please forgive me for inserting this: wouldn't she make an amazing president?
Over fifty billion. Take that in for a moment.
The man from Amazon, another giant among giants, giving billions, some say even more than our other Seattle man.
Hey, not whining here. Not one to scoff at 4 mil. But the folks at Bacardi could put out $400 mil and they'd barely skip a heart beat.
Sorry, but had to say it, because it's true.
As for Mcdonalds' marketing ploy; 'hey people order something from Burger King...', from the 'preserve employment' stand point I applaud the gesture. They too may have just started something.
Can you see Ford telling us to buy a Fiat...
Something which on the surface seems to indicate a healthy and skillful selflessness. The short and long term end results best analyzed and projected by the marketing students who do case studies.