I smiled through your piece. But I have to say my week long kidnapping went nothing like this. I was held in the mountains of Honduras for ransom. I was a business product nothing more nor less. You must asap determine why you were kidnapped.
Engage in conversation is ok but you never ask the criminal if the BU sweatshirt indicates he was a student there. This would be one sure step for never getting home again.
As fate would have it a year or so before my grab I'd read about 5 of the most acclaimed kidnap books. One of the overall key to dos is do not get chummy, ever. They will misread you. The other is try to find ways to maintain some 'agency', some authority amidst your hell. mine was to complain about the food. anothr was to insist they buy me my stomach medication, (which they did). I was lucky though, these were real pros.
Be safe