Hi Amy
This certainly a change up for you. But it-s an important subject and depending on what part of the world a boy or girl is raised in will in the end have almost everything to do with just how they turn out. Good and bad.
I had six teenagers, each one unique, each one with his own set of interests and needs.
My constant, though far from perfect, was to instill in them the utter importance of being kind, considerate and a total gentleman with girls.
Almost all have had their hearts crushed growing up and I was there all along assuring them and having their back and shepparding the fall out so that they wouldn't suddenly turn against the opposite sex. Gentleman, kind, considerate, was all that mattered and usually all else would surely follow, and yes there would be exceptions.
After all we are imperfect.
Amy for me and thinking of you with your son my take away will always be: be there for him, be there to field all the confusion and guide carefully yet firmly.
Thanks for your piece.