Hi Christopher,
In the early seventies, in college the art prof thought it'd be a good idea to introduce us to NightHawks.
I-m not even going to begin to try to explain how this painting impacted my sense of awe.
For now countless years, I-ve had prints of NightHawks up on walls in my offices, other times at home, lastly in my 25 year old sons room.
I have tried for many years to try to explain to others what Hoppers work does for me. Of course my all time favorite NightHawks continues to work it-s magic on me.
Quick question: The fact that the 'three heads' are in perfect line with the midpoint of the canvas; did Hopper do this intentionally or was it just plain 'dumb luck'?
I could go on and on responding to each of your observations but mercifully I'll end here.
Many thanks.