Hi Debra,
Great piece! My Mom and dad were equal cofounders of a successful hotel business in Central America. And OMG the stories Debra, yours reminded me of them. In a part of the world where a woman running the show was often considered laughable if not flat outrageous. Believe me and just as you so well describe it I know well (short of being a woman), the challenges for women from having watched my Mom.
I was blessed in my working life in restaurants to have worked for tough and powerfully fair women. They are up there and more than equal to any man anywhere any time.
Amongst many amazing women in the work place one who after forty years still comes to mind, a Viet Nam vet nurse, pretty much doing all the work bringing one of our sons into this life. There were unusual difficulties. I will never forget her power. Yeah, she literally ‘powered’ the birthing process, larger than life; her life giving mind set was nothing short of stunning.
Of course today it’s still no picnic for women leaders. We all know that. It helps to share the message though.