Hi Felicia,
So much of what you say speaks so much to me, an almost seventy year old man! Go figure please. Jus to clarify and also to not allow your writing to be dragged down by that which represents me. Confusing? That's okay. So. Seventy in years, sometimes teens, twenties, thirties and so forth...
Your writing is clear and your vocab is way up there; you rattle 'em off as though nothing, utterly convincing. Oh, and for the record, I read all the way to the end. I've noticed responses are saying this now.
As for your life alone, don't get me started. You'd hate that as any one would. We need more how to's like we need root canal. You give the impression that you handle living with your cat quite contentedly.
Finally: Hey, when you are up in the wee hours, the howl of the coyotes are out there...if you turn your lights on full tilt you are suddenly wonderfully visible to the bad guys. This is a fact.
Try it. When your lights inside are blasting you cannot see out!
Partial solution of course might be rediculously powerful yard lights that light with movement. Those can scare living hell out of you too as they tend to light when no ones out there!
Living in Central America, where it can really be scary I learned years ago (as I too am a night mover). Use only the lights you need. If someone wants to enter your place. they usually will know you are alone. Sorry but I had to tell you this.
Keep up the beautiful work and thanks!