Hi Klara,
My heart goes out to you about your daughter. I even understand your jealousy, I know, it's not malicious, it's not easy picking up anothers load...
The part that got to me, even beyond the addiction, unfortunately an affliction that we humans have to deal with on this planet as awful as it is. But the part that got me were the snitches, those who couldn't find anything better to do with their miserable lives than to smear your daughter in the media. This sort of spineless behavior for me represents the most despicable form in human behavior.
It just seems that another unfortunate form of humans behavior, at its worst is squealing in the medias about another's suffering. I have for many years always felt that this reptilian form of behavior is due to an internal pain these same people suffer from.
Be strong in your destiny given mission, the cross you've been asked to carry, for your daughter, for the little ones.