Hi Missy,
Thanks for baring yourself! No hiding! You had quite an upbringing. I think of the stories, even amongst friends of mine, that after growing up in a problematic setting they just said the hell with it. These kids would simply pick up where thier parents left off.
Others, as in your case, they are able through some hidden strengths or utter will power rise above the noise and the pain. One friend of mine who endured hell said to me it was a decision he made< he said he just chose that he was not going to follow his parents example. Not until he went to college and really got away did he begin to live his own life.
Different for everyone for sure. My heart goes out to those who were brought up in a hellish environment. It seems to that the state is so inept at handling these familial crisis. In the name of respecting peoples god given rights so much is allowed to happen in the privacy of ones home. Sadly many that come out of these stuations don't do so well.
Thanks again for sharing.