Hi Sean,
Fascinating rundown. I must say I've always suspected that Kennedy was far more 'active' than was reported.
No surprise though. I've always believed that if ones closet is thoroughly searched the stuff found would flabbergast many. Others, (me included), I'm sure simply feel inclined to smile or shake a head, perhaps even stifle a yawn.
I think it comes down to being concrete real, what ever that might mean, but you get the message.
Kennedy was no different from any other guy. Then if you were to add to Kennedys personal hybrid mix of moneyed privilege, handsome, his purported combat heroism, the leadership role of the planet...
Makes for a high far more potent and appealing than the most tempting drugs.
This might stir some up: when you think about it a little it's truly a wonder why many, many more haven't been caught with their hands under skirts...
Thanks for the fun read.