Insightfull stuff Zulie. Especially from someone who has reached the higher elevations in the Medium world.
I've been a member for about a year and average a post every week, or two. Even if I were to qualify for some kind of compensation I couldn't get it, (all 50 cents) because I live in Guatemala. Despite my best efforts to get an explanation as to what options might be available to me I've found none.
It's fascinating to read of your account with Medium. No doubt Medium takes your commentaries very seriously. When I operated a hotel I made it a priority to give my top staff my full attention. This practice brought me untold benefits.
So, Medium should listen up when writers like yourself and the others in that top level speak their minds! Just good management.
And lastly. All of us, no matter what we might be competing in, be it writing, rock climbing, gardening, etc, we absolutely have to know who will be doing the judging!