Interesting tell.
There are a couple things that do come to mind but they can easily cancel themselves out. Simply the need that you had for a place to live seems to overcome most opposition.
Does that give anyone the right to snap away with the camera? Nope.
Another ‘rub’ is where you chose to call ‘home’. Walmarts parking lot. An occupied camper with a tarp roof might cause folks with children a light case of the creepiest…Hey it’s Walmart. It’s your parking but also it’s mine… Well, not really, the real estate is owned by the Walmart company. So certain rules of image may come into play depending where in the country one might live. But you get the idea. When I go shopping I want to be as sure as posible the car I pull in next to is not going to be a cause for concern. Im just saying!
After saying all that, it sounds like you guys had set up in an area of the lot where others were crashing. Really harmless. At this much advanced age of my life, kids long time gone from the nest, I have an almost impossible time finding any serious fault.
Hey! The wood framing will do wonders for the projected image.
I hope you find your happy pad soon. A camper is a happy dream for many.