Loved your list.
As one married to a woman over fifty I know only too well the truth in your words. Add to this that she is Latina (entering dangerous ground here I know,), I have scars to prove her all consuming, larger than life power. She is as powerful as one one of those Grecian goddesses. No, I'm not kidding.
Once at the Houston airport three young men in their thirties chose to ' nicely' ask a fifty plus lady to get a move on in a line we were all in, maybe starbucks. Oh Fuck. I almost wanted to tell them to shut thier pie holes but the the sadist in me wanted to watch.
She tore them all a new ass hole. The skill with which she did it was astounding. I mean Kissinger had nothing over her. She somehow managed to pound them into crushed, subdued cockroaches and at the same time winning us, her audience over, so we all applauded!
Great read.