Liked your post.
Again the recurring question of inroads to increased nudity. The social taboos involved . The strange reality of having to cover up gods creation. I'm willing to bet that the taboos are the result of religious repression and men.
As a man I don't feel like I'm betraying my sex either. That's be ridiculous.
When you get right down to it just what is the big deal?
The dresses many of these 'beautiful people' wear are down right ridiculous. Maybe it makes sense to consider the venue when a woman decides to wear less than usual. IE, perhaps the church picnic isn't the place to push the dress less agenda.
How long would it take for society, for men, to stop staring if toplessness becomes the norm? The fears and the hang-ups around dressing with less no doubt got its beginings back in the early days in what is now Europe. Think of all the ignorance, the inquisition, the very weird beliefs that some how developed. These included of course how men and women can dress.
Time to loosen up a bit. I for one have no claim to being above or purer than the next person, I'm as terrible as the next guy. But as an example of how this undressing might evolve may be expressed by my day at a Key West gay gathering.
My wife and I were surprised we'd unexpectedly visited the island during what has become a hugely popular gay party.
Long story short. My wife relaxed to the point where she said 'oh hell, as long as we're here go ahead and get an eye full. It's pretty much impossible to avoid all the boobs, etc...'
My wife can't say she didnt enjoy an eyeful either.
A strange thing started to happen near the end of our two day visit. Both of us began to sense a ho hum sense of all the bare skin we were exposed to!
We started to get used to it. Like what's the big deal? She might joke that she never grew tired of the adonis type guys parading here and there, but I know her, it all sort of became like: 'okay what now?'
The same for me. Unbelievably what began to take place of my new found freedom to stare at gods greatest accomplishment, breasts , became a surprising appreciation of the artists creativity, the colors used, the themes dreamed up of the breasts.
Could this be the outcome were we to lighten up the hungup dress codes still prevailing from ancient europe?