My god,
Your hombre has it easy. My Señora might bring me a towell on my death bed ha! God help me.
It's weird though, twenty something years ago, when I'd go on a work trip she packed my bag. She's latina. That should catch me some flack, I DONT CARE!! But I of course stopped that. I mean I was like, I didnt know what to say. But those days, say that one time she packed my bag, and who knows, maybe used to bring me a towel, yeah she really used to are now soooo gone.
In other words she got gringoed up.
It's more me taking tea to her in bed. Really! I even surprise myself.
Loved your letter, you were kind however and your husband should know this.
My wife would need a full legal pad, two days and a packed lunch to get it all written on our situation.