Never give up. Never.
Drugs and the conseuences have been solved millions of times, again and again.
Never give up. Fight the fight. Even if the fight at this point is being stuck in bed. If the pain is too much tell them! The fentanyl can be a friends at this time. Pharmaceuticals painkillers have nothing to do with the garbage sold on the streets.
Will it be a struggle. Damn right. But not so that you can-t handle it. You can always handle it.
Imagine being free. Think of the kids. Think of enjoying a beautiful sunset with a warm tea. There-s just too much to live for.
A book by a SEAL I just read said> in so many words> to get to that comfort you have to go through the discomfort. He also said> we go through -deliberate discomfort-, (before we enter the comfort zone).
Modern medicine will not allow you to endure insupportable pain. Accept what they give you. It will carry you through.
Some day you'll look back...
Be well, be strong, the strength is in you, incredible strength.