Oh shit, thanks for the happy laughter this morning. We need laughter, and the more intelligent and well done the deeper it goes.
I loved your peice amigo, this thing about writing, so damn true.
Oh hell, to laugh a little more: I was a sales man for seven, damn long years of my life in the drought lands of the Midwest. Do I know about rejection, ha ha! I know rejection. Sure I'm borderline alcoholic because of my years striving for that one misguided 'yes' from the buyer after a thousand pitches.
Stephen King echoes your words: Basically says that if you don't love it, really love the act of sitting rear end on chair and scrawling word after word then you better rethink your lifes plans (My words...)..
The pain writing gives is unique to writing, just as hauling sheet rock for a living gives off its own type of pain. So, while you don't have to cherish pain, like, you don't have to say :Oh shit more pain at the desk today, goody! That particular pain is one of countless in human existence and we have to find it weirdly palatable. (sorry for that side slip..).
Thanks again for the rich laughter we need so much...