Okay Linda,
Enjoyed your work with peonies (which happen to always have been one of my favorites, something about their apparent pristine cleanliness and of course the ants, always…)
Your good teacher in the roaring crowd. We are blessed by these good teachers.
You can write Senora.
One favorite of many: ‘They say time flies but for the writer, it doesn’t…’
Moms and Dads often always there each with one’s own perspective, of course and naturally so.
I should tell you how much I enjoy your freedom with quotation marks or where they seem they might be. Refreshing. Funny, as a young writer I’d without fail draw fire from all teachers for my wild and free wheeling approach when dealing with the damn quotations (and pretty much every other grammatical ‘error’ I could put a light on).
The picture is clear. This to thank you for your skill.
Did you say that you became a lawyer then?