Reread Rowlings HP books. That's all.
Simply accept that there rarely appears amongst us, people of the Rowling caliber. If and when I read her it's with open mind, open heart. My ongoing query being: How does she do it? What does she do differently? How is she soo much better than the rest? ...of the rest of the damn planet?!
Here I interject that some of the more erudite and gifted top university level writing profs (roll eyes) write stuff about Rowlings' work which is embarrassing, perhaps even pathetic. One might even guess: (gasp!), envious?
Please let's not fall into their ranks!
Hats off to Rowling. My endless salutations to someone who sat ass, (perhaps at this juncture it should be correctly said: Her Royal Ass), in chair and started in, one word after the next, just imagine; and won.
Won big time!!
All in well meant joy.