Thanks for the important tips.
I can only speak for me, I think I will leave out the post workout shower simply as I don't have the time to give.
I love the two other points, and in a sort of unorchestrated manner I do them. However I need to make them better,
Admittedly as an old fart I no longer splash about buckets of sweat.
Still, a workout is a workout.
I do a thing that involves dumbells and free body exercises (push ups, tricepp dips, abdominals, etc), One day I start with my dumbells, about 7 exercises, tons of reps (for me), then next day finish off with the pushups, abs. Walk forty five mins every day due to bad back and knees.
Next day rest. Third or fourth day depending on energy I do it again.
I wonder if this is a good routine?
Great post, thanks.