Thanks Niklas,
Thought provoking to be sure.
Can't help to bump into the elephant here. That being: the market allows for the selling of what some might consider low quality writing!
Of course what you and I might not like of what's being offered 'out there' just may be anothers' favorite dish. I forget the truism that speaks to that: something to the effect that depending on where you sit you may rush out and buy.
As a struggler with the written word all I can do is work at the craft and try to raise the level of quality of the stuff I put out there.
Having said that I guess we have to rely on the market to determine, sometimes it seems with a heartless scalpel, who 'makes' it as a writer. Unfortunately we've all read that piece that makes us wonder: how'd this get in here, (yes, I include myself in this harvest).
Having said all that, I for one agree with you: don't expect a windfall for stuff that shouldn't (according to who...?) be published.