Thought provoking as always Linda. Yeah like it was yesterday I recall a male friend of my parents, my best friends dad and his wife over to visit. First thing on his list always? Ask my cute sisters ‘c’mere now honey, gimme some of that sugar,,,’. All seemed rather harmless but in fact help propagate the ‘lil girl, propaganda. That would’ve been very early 60s.
I high lighted just a couple of your strong evidence. Just goes to show that more sharing of the info like you do is needed. Just the imbalance of women versus men pay is sickening and heart breaking. One of so many you list here and other pieces you’ve written.
Now here is a question for you Linda. Your graphic of the little girl sends many messages and I wonder why I like it so much. Besides the simple fact that I love children, had 6 of my own. But I’ve been raised to feel an immediate fondness for such a heart warming image. I shudder at what sort of feelings this image and countless similar ones might stir up in the minds of some men.
Is that right? Is this a picture that might bring about feelings perhaps not right? Oh god don’t get me wrong Linda. I hope we don’t,t reach that pathetic point where even pics as precious as the little girl clutching a sunflower and being a sort of messy princess for a day will be taboo and discouraged.
Just a thought, just a thought… for the record, for me it shows happiness and freedom, things worth a huge price. May this always be the case.
Thanks again Linda for another ‘thought piece’.