Thought provoking sharing, thanks very much.
Combat vets have always held my greatest appreciation and admiration.
Appreciation for what you-ve done. The guts it took. Although once the media is done with it some might question the validity of war. Rest assured were it not for the brave combat warriors we would not live as free people.
Admiration. In that I've had several family members and friends who were combat vets, one or two going as far back as WW2. Why do I just say combat vets? Because they are the ones who saw the shit, really saw the shit.
A brother in law of mine spent his 365 in Danang. Except for a rocket attack which missed by a mile he never saw a minute of combat. You'd a thought from his panicked mind frame and whining he's spent six months in the waist deep mud trenches of the WW1 trenches. Yes, at least he went.
Those who saw combat. Lots of combat. I was amazed how well they seemed to do years later. How they seemed to hold it together.
I never served. Do I feel like my life is missing something now as an old man?.
Thanks for sharing.