Very thought provoking.
This sort of things happens to me all the time.
I'm the old man version. The young ladies behind the counters handle me as though I was putty, more like Silly Putty actually.
I've adapted a jaded presence now. Just too damn old to care. I've also developed that thing that some of us old people get, impatience. Not very admirable.
But lets say the impossibly cute female child just past legal age decides to take the impatient route with me. Ouch! I can be perhaps just a little too short.
It's like life is too... running out of it...leaves very little time for me to play the cute thing.
The younger set seem to approve of that, not always surely.
If the service behind the counter is 'tip based' then another set of issues are lit, asking for other ways of behaving...
Oh well.
Now you can see why the youth often show me they do not have the time. Its worse if behind me is a bright, new, surfer boy with the cocky smirk of one who really has lived life. Pretense.
And so it goes...
Thanks for the fun read and thoughts.