Well said! One big Bravo!
All my life I’d been a smiler and a laugher. People felt annoyed at my buoyant personality. Often I’d get asked ‘ what the hell are you laughing at, or smiling at’?
After so many years the planets deplorable state though ever so slowly began to take its toll on my outlook and happy expression. A part of me realized that by wiping the smile off my face more and more I discovered I would be left alone.
This note is to say: don’t copy me. Stay ebullient, stay bubbly. This world so needs those of you who are shameless purveyors of joy.
I’m trying to regain my once flying spirit. A word of warning :once you kill that wondrous spark it can be an almost impossible task getting it back. I didn’t just lose my smile, I lost much more.
Don’t go down that path…