Well what can one say.
I-m on my knees and bowing to your greatness.
It's all too rare that we are treated to such writing. The story so enjoyable. Get this: at first, before too many of the hints I found myself buying into the story. Yes I know, this was your intention. Then as though seamlessly you moved into the bales of hay, the hooves, she saying she wished that stallion was 'hers' in the biblical. I even felt jealous on your behalf! Haha!
It's no wonder youre at the top of the heap.
Conrats and thanks for the good read. My time is precious, (seventy and pushing) ,if a story doesnt grab me I'm outta there, just don't have the time anymore to soldier through writing that perhaps passes but... But yours, well damn, I was just sorry it came to an end.
Idea: Write a damn book based on your short story.
Have a great weekend. The book idea is sincere, I know you could do it.
pd: caught you on the talk with Sinem, got several pages of super notes.
Saludos from Guatemala.