Will start again. Pressed a wrong button and voila, gone! Haha almost as if there's a malevolence hidden somewhere there in the finer workings of the Medium algorithms.
Just wanted to thank you for yet another attempt at unravelling issues that deal with the evil amongst us.
As you might agree there are so many pitfalls for the mostly younger to become ensnared in the titillating aspects of that dark world.
Your words are some that help to disarticulate what is a huge knot of fear, doubt and pure misdirection. How are we not going to get lost?
This begs the unending question: how much freedom of expression is allowed before the societies culture of general goodness falls prey to evil? not calling for panicked alarm here.
If it weren't for pieces such as yours and many others who will call people's attention to a world gone amuck in evil and its countless manifestations?
Will good overcome evil if expression is allowed to flow free of constraint? Will it? A valid question. And yet as a writer I'm opposed to most if not all forms of informational repression. And yet...
I can't see it. Imagine the world we will have should we all just silently retreat within our dwellings and cross our fingers, pray if you wish.
Or does it become a thing as convenient as saying 'a word to the wise...', and hope for the best. Hardly.
Thanks for the good read Jean.