Wonderful post Sean.
You just keep putting out quality after quality.
The young model is clearly having an amazing time of it. For the life of me I can’t see any issue with her modeling for crying out loud. She is a beauty according to all our current standards (as astray as they may often be). There in fact are ways to admire physical beauty in a sound way!
It comes down to what the admirer has in mind. It can be caught up in lust or it can be admired with a positive sense of awe and wonder. Might it be that as we age that the fires of passing youth make way for higher forms of beholding beauty in forms?
Of course!
So with this young lady, taking the world by storm I say more power to her and many congratulations. I would ask her to enjoy the ride while it lasts. Iignore the naysayers who if they were to really do some sincere introspection just might discover that their minds apart from being caught in envy have become bogged down in that dark and murky world inhabited by human kinds lowest forms.