Tom Jacobson
2 min readApr 20, 2024


Wow Jeffrey,
Once again you clear out the mental cobwebs on a subject that goes way beyond the space we have here. AI is here and will remain and with my close to zero knowledge feel confident to say that it’s a topic destined for overwhelming growth (hopefully to our benefit).
There’s things you hint at that provoke me to ask you: yes but what if ? Of course you know these and I’m not verbose on the matter nearly enough to constructively ask these . It’s more an intuition I feel. Not disagreeing in any way with the points made just a nudging towards grasping what may await us in the the not too distant future. A valid concern you may agree with?
My perspective is of necessity born of my lack of knowledge on the subject matter, thus might even be a purer point of observation. My looking glass is limited to what I hear in the AI music and what I see in the AI art you’ve provided and my response on a most gut level.
This time it’s art. Your first piece was musical to which I shared my thoughts and you so graciously tried to ‘enlighten’ me. Now it’s the art. There’s something deeply nonhuman about the city scapes, or might that be inhuman? The colors are stunningly ‘off’, void of life, to me that is. AI chooses to depict windows in unexplainable (beyond the technical) blurs. Artsy? For me it’s as if AI rejects the humanity somehow.
FAscinating stuff amigo. If I’m any indication pieces like yours Jeffrey at it least will serve to bring some deeply needed guidance and explanation to the ‘slower’ masses , yes me damn it. Your pieces will help to brings many up to speed on a most perplexing and rather disturbing ‘reality’ hurtling at us light speed.
Oh, and Pollock and fractals, who would have ever guessed let alone imagined it?
Thanks again



Tom Jacobson
Tom Jacobson

Written by Tom Jacobson

Discovered the world of Medium some years ago. Amazing! Published first book, romantic adventure in Guatemala and Nicaragua, on Amazon. Title Lenka: Love Story.

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